Patricia Rogers

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Patricia Rogers
Astrology consulting for natal, progressed and transit charts.

Patricia Rogers has studied astrology for 40+ years and is familiar with
both modern and traditional methods of chart interpretation. An
eternal student, Patricia is continuously enrolled in master classes,
taught by Steven Forrest, Kelly Surtees, Demetra George, Chris
Brennan, to name a few.

Patricia offers astrology classes for beginners and intermediate level
students, and is the author of “Relationships, Compatibility and
Astrology”. Many of Patricia’s consultations include helpful tips on
“how to be your own astrologer” to give you tools to do self-study on
your astrology chart that brings insight and clarity beyond your
session together.

“Before scheduling a consulting session – we will discuss your needs
by phone, so I understand what areas to research and include in our
session together” - Patricia

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